qbiq unlocks real estate potential through artificial intelligence

qbiq’s pioneering technology helps brokers, landlords, and tenants
drastically accelerate deal decision-making, by reducing a manual
and lengthy process from weeks to seconds.

Transforming the real estate industry

In an industry where the latest major technological leap occurred over 30 years ago, we are long
overdue for the next one. The qbiq technology is transforming the 30 trillion-dollar global commercial
real estate market by accelerating layout planning and design from weeks to seconds.

What sets us apart

Speed and scale make all the difference

qbiq is the only platform on the market that automatically generates architectural-grade planning and 3D virtual tours in seconds. This empowers brokers and landlords to help tenants visualize every space’s full potential when marketing their properties.

qbiq cuts 40% of average deal time! don't get left behind
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Proprietary technology

Drawing on decades of architectural knowledge and regulatory requirements, thousands of cloud processors work to provide optimized, data-driven planning for any space.

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Accessible to anyone

Our self-serve platform empowers landlords, brokers, and tenants – with no expertise or architectural knowledge – to generate optimized layout planning for any space.

Meet our team

Leeor Solnik, CEO of qbiq

Leeor Solnik

Founder & CEO

Leeor Solnik

After 15 years of high-tech disruptions across the globe, Leeor founded qbiq, a deep-tech squad of frontier technology veterans, to break through old taboos of massive bottlenecks that had plagued the real estate industry for decades.
Elad Kaminer - CTO qbiq

Elad Kaminer

Founder & CTO

Elad Kaminer

A veteran of an elite IDF technological unit and 15 years in the high-tech world, Elad has extensive R&D experience, including SW, System Architecture, ML, Big-Data, Cloud & Web.
Noam Diamantstein - qbiq VP of Product

Noam Diamantstein


Noam Diamantstein

The recipient of two awards for his work at an elite IDF technological unit, Noam is a leading product developer with vast experience with SW design, advanced algorithms, and Machine Learning.
Roey Granot - qbiq VP sales

Roey Granot

Founder & VP Sales

Roey Granot

With diverse business experience, Roey has a proven record of building strategic relationships, constructing articulated processes, and defining go-to-market strategies.
Eyal Nir Ph.D. - qbiq Chief Architect

Eyal Nir Ph.D.

Chief Architect

Eyal Nir Ph.D. Arch

Eyal is an architect and researcher with vast experience in digital fabrication and complex geometry. Eyal is a former Executive & Head of Research Group at Autodesk, ParaCloud, Senior Lecturer, Foster+Partners.

Yair Shmueli

VP Operations

Yair Shmueli

Yair, BArch, MBA, led architecture and town planning at Moshe Zur Architects for 11 years, spearheading global office design. His journey fosters detail-oriented excellence, shaping his dynamic project leadership.
DR. Elad Gilboa - qbiq Head of research

Dr. Elad Gilboa

Head of Research

Dr. Elad Gilboa

With a Ph.D. in machine learning and mathematical modeling, Elad is an experienced information technology researcher with experience in the power grid and autonomous vehicles.

Itzik Ben Haroosh


Itzik Ben Haroosh

Itzik, a seasoned CFO/VP Finance, boasts 25 years' experience across large, small, and start-up tech firms. Expert in Financial Reporting & Analysis, adept at team leadership, and profit enhancement.
Michelle Hites - qbiq Architecture team lead

Michelle Hites

Product manager

Michelle Hites

Growing up in an international environment, and having lived in foreign countries, made Michelle adaptive, open-minded and eager learner. Architecture and urban planning could serve as a driving force of social change and has the potential of improving the lives of millions.

Tom Zviran

Customer Success Team Lead

Tom Zviran

Tom, our dynamic Customer Success Team Lead, is dedicated to enhancing client experiences. With proactive strategies and tailored solutions, Tom ensures every qbiq client journey is exceptional.